MARSHALL — On Tuesday, the Marshall School Board voted to issue $1.065 million in school building bonds that school district staff say will help pay for flooring and other updates at Marshall schools.
The bonds being issued would not create a tax impact, however. The amount being issued was part of the building bond referendum passed by voters in 2019, said MPS Business Services Director Dion Caron. That building referendum was passed in order to fund the construction of Southview Elementary, expansions at Park Side Elementary, and other building updates in the school district.
“Part of our referendum bond that was approved by the voters back in 2019, it had a principal maximum limit of $29,800,000. We only went out with a principal of $28,735,000, which left $1,065,000 left over,” Caron said. “We have the option now since the voters approved that amount, for the board to approve that extra amount for projects throughout the district.”
Caron said some of the projects that the leftover bonding amount could be used for included carpet and flooring replacements at Marshall High School and Marshall Middle School.
“These are all on our Long Term Facilities Maintenance,” Caron said of the building updates. “This would just free up some money to be able to move some of those projects up.”
Caron said some of the other facilities projects still ahead for MPS in the next couple of years included roofing work at MHS and updates in the middle school theater.
“We are asking for the board to approve the resolution, and at a later date we would do the sale of the bonds,” Caron said.
School board members voted unanimously to issue $1.065 million in building bonds.