Romania’s Treasury launched on March 27 the first BVB-listed bond Fidelis issued for households this year after the latest such bonds were sold in December.
The bonds denominated in euros with a five-year maturity were in particularly high demand during the first day of the subscription period, thanks to its outstanding 5.8% yield, Ziarul Financiar reported.
The Treasury also sells bonds denominated in euros with a maturity of one year and a 3.7% coupon attached.
In December, the Treasury paid yields of 2.7% for one year and 3.7% for two-year maturities.
Romanian Treasury issues bonds to population, yield curb steepens
In contrast to the high coupons attached to the bonds denominated in euros, the Treasury now pays lower yields for the local currency-denominated bonds: 6.7% for one year (7.65% in December) and 7.35% for three years (8% in December). There is a special 7.7%-coupon bond with a maturity of one year for the blood donors.